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Lessons from Game of Thrones and how to Apply them to your Business

House Stark Official Motto: Winter is Coming
House Stark Official Motto: Winter is Coming

Welcome back to part four of a series of blogs on Lessons from Game of Thrones and how to apply them to your business. The gritty realism created by George R.R. Martin is not only entertaining to read and watch, but also creates some exciting situations that have a great deal of relevance and lessons to be learned whatever your business.

If you missed them then you can find the first three parts here:

Part 1 - Robb Stark

Part 2 - Tywin Lannister

Part 3 - Danaerys Targaryen

 In the today’s part I will talk about everyone’s favourite little rogue Arya Stark, and how her iron grit can turn situations in her favour.

Just so - always believe you can follow your dream
Just so - always believe you can follow your dream

Stick Them With the Pointy End

Arya’s greatest asset is she hasn’t been afraid to follow her dream, despite the pressures of her age and family.


From the first episode we see her mastery with a bow, and then receiving her first sword. It’s not long until Arya is learning swordplay with Syrio Forel, and by following her dreams, she learnt the skills that go on to save her life.

 It’s a lesson for us all that we should pursue in business what we are most passionate about, not only will it make us happier but we will be much more willing to embrace the necessary hard work it takes to achieve our goals. Once we have embraced our passions we have to be prepared to put in the hard work to make our dreams possible.

No matter the situation - Arya never feels sorry for herself for a moment
No matter the situation - Arya never feels sorry for herself for a moment

Valar Dohaeris

Arya has faced some horrific situations in her young life: her best friend gets executed, she is present when her father is killed and being captured and forced into slavery at Harrenhal.

No matter this, she always keep her eye on the prize. Be it learning to fight, escaping the capital or getting home to her family. She continues to fight, battle and scrape despite the pain, and her burning desire to take swift revenge.

Business isn’t always easy, and there will be numerous set backs for all of us, but the important thing to do is to never use it as an excuse to take the quick easy options or give up. All we can do is keep scrapping away to achieve our goals, and eventually things will go our way.

Thanks for reading my Lessons from Game of Thrones, I’m Thomas Szczepanski, Master Accountant! Check me out on Google+ In the final part I will talk about how the leadership styles of Stannis Baratheon

Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming talk in Wakefield: ‘Growing Strong - how Game of Thrones can transform your business thinking’ 

by Tom Szczepanski - Master Accountant

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